
  What Is the Importance of Grout?


Whenever people think about home renovation, they think and picture the repairs that need more attention. They believed that roof replacement, foundation improvement, and wall plastering are more important than anything else. Little did they know that the flooring is equally important as well. Not only because it takes up the entire place, but it also has an impact on the aesthetic of a home.

However, most homeowners tend to overlook their floor because it does not seem to be needing grave repairs, especially for tile flooring. Also, no one would spend time looking at it during a visit. That is maybe the reason why they think that grouting the tiles is not part of home renovation when it should be.

To further elaborate on why it matters, read the rest of the article. Later, you would understand the importance of grout in your tiles and what you need to do to achieve marble gum grout in the future.

What-Are-the-Common-Tile-and-Grout-ProblemsWhat Are the Common Tile and Grout Problems?

Grout is a paste mixture of sand and cement and used as a filler to keep tiles or stones together. One could say it is similar to glue since it fastens things. If done incorrectly, it will damage the tiles, causing them to fall and break. When it does, people might trip themselves, and that could cause them to have an injury.

However, before that could happen, there are other problems you may encounter if you do not put in extra attention that the grout of your tiles needs. As a homeowner, you must know what those are. Here are some of them:

White-Residue-and-Stains-on-TilesWhite Residue and Stains on Tiles

It is so common to see white residue buildup on tiles. That what happens when water continues to seep through the tiles and minerals in the water starts to solidify. That crystal stain is known as efflorescence.

Efflorescence is an absorbent tile tissue that often appears on grout joints due to the highly porous sustenance it contains. Fret not because acrylic grout and epoxy grout in Singapore do not and will ever efflorescence.

In other words, your tiles would not have this white residue if you used those two when grouting your floor.

Milky Tile Surface

A cloudy appearance on the surface of tiles usually implies you are using the wrong cleaning products. Most often than not, you cannot strip that milky substance by yourself, not unless you are a grout contractor in Singapore yourself.

For you, not to call a grout contractor all them, ask them for the right cleaning products you should use to clean your tiles at home.

Dirty Appearance

Sure, a newly applied grout looks flawlessly clean. But dirt, debris, dead skin cells can quickly accumulate and settle on grout lines over time. When that happens, the tiles would have a discoloured and grimy appearance.

The only way to prevent this issue is to use the right cleaning products and apply a quality grout sealant to protect tiles from building up dirt.

Mould, Fungus, and Mildew

When there is moisture, mould, fungus, and mildew come after. No wonders why those develop in showers and bathrooms. Its growth rapidly develops due to soap residue and body oil that act as triggers.

As these three grow more, your shower and bathroom would have poor ventilation, causing you to have a hard time breathing inside. That is why as soon as you see these, let the grout contractor help you find the cause and solve it before it becomes worse.

Thinning of the Grout

Due to the constant foot traffic that the grout experiences every day, it wears off quickly, especially if you did not apply a grout sealant in the first place. As a result, your tiles will become loose, and it could be a cause of accidents when you or your family member walks barefoot.

Cracked Grout

This issue often happens to homeowners who DIY the grouting of their tiles in Singapore. They thought they had the skills to do it on their own by following the steps. However, improper mixture and tile installation could cause the grout to crack and tiles to chirp. When that happens, you might injure yourself and have to do a tile installation again.

Did you notice any of these problems on your tiles at home? If that is the case, then consider calling a grout contractor in Singapore. They will help you grout your flooring so you would not face any of these again soon.

Why-Does-It-Matter-to-Protect-the-Grout-of-Your-TilesWhy Does It Matter to Protect the Grout of Your Tiles?

To not encounter the problems mentioned above, homeowners should know how to protect their tiles from blackening, building up stagnant water, and wearing off with the help of grout sealers. The method of sealing grout is adding a protective layer over the grout lines.

While it may sound like another expense, rest assured that it would give you advantages in the long run. Here are the reasons why sealing the grouting of tiles matter in Singapore!


Prolong the Lifespan of Your Tiles

Grout maintenance is the only way to add more years to the life of your tiles at home. You could do it either once or twice a week to ensure nothing will build up in the tile joints.

What you need to do is check for any damages to the tile surface. When you find out the problems, it would be easier for you to think of a solution to address them, such as seeking advice from a reliable grout contractor in Singapore.

Protect Your Investment

All homeowners know the expenses spent on having tile installation. For sure, you know it, too. Then why don’t you invest in taking care of it? It helps so you would not have to get another one.

You could protect the tile installation by applying a grout sealer in the grout lines. This product would prevent the grout from wearing off quickly, resulting in it lasting for a long time.

Adds More Value to Your Home

You might not need it now, but in the future, when you decide to sell your home, potential buyers would always consider the condition of your bathroom and kitchen first.

More often than not, these two areas make or break the decision for them to purchase your home. When they notice your home has maintained grout lines, you can expect them to make a deal with you right away. That is the value that grouting does in Singapore.

Keep Health Problems at Bay

Not being able to breathe can arise from unclean and unprotected grout lines of tiles. When the cracked grouts start to collect moisture, mould, fungus, and mildew will develop, causing anyone to experience allergic reactions. It may give you or your family members a runny rose, watery eyes, and skin rashes.

Keep yourself and your family healthy by having water damage repair and invest in quality grouting products in Singapore.

Maintain the Beauty of Your Home

Grouts come in different colours that help you match the colour scheme of your home. With several shades available, you can choose which one makes your floor design a lot more attractive.

As such, you will become more inspired to add extra protection to your tiles. Moreover, expect your guests to compliment how good and creative your home is.

Even though grout acts as a paste, its composition absorbs water, bacteria, and stains, causing it to become thin and develop some cracks. Applying a grout sealer helps to protect the grout and prevent that from happening. As such, no moisture and germs would come in the way of the grout of your tiles.

What Do You Need to Do With Your Grout?

Before you start grouting the tiles at home in Singapore, there are plenty of things you need to consider so it will look good as planned.  As a homeowner, here are a few things you have to keep in mind when it comes to grouting your floor.

5-Things-You-Should-Do-With-Your-GroutPurchase Grout Products from a Reliable Supplier

To achieve a marble gum grout, you need to invest in high-quality grouting products. That would give you all the benefits mentioned above. Of course, you can only get high-quality grouting products if you buy from a reliable supplier.

To know if they are trustworthy, you have to do your research. Besides checking the website, you also have to read the customer reviews. Make sure when you are reading the testimonials, you have to understand what happened. Did they like the product or had any problems with it? Knowing the answer to this will help you decide if you should buy from them or not.

Choose a Colour that Matches Your Tiles

Besides as a personal choice, choosing a grout colour can also be a design preference. So, whatever you choose is not a wrong choice. However, that does not mean you would pick any shade randomly without checking the grout colour charts of the epoxy grout in Singapore. If you do, otherwise, you might not like the outcome. Your bathroom or kitchen would look weird than you imagine it would be.

That is why you have to choose the right colour that matches your bathroom or kitchen’s tiles.

Have It Professionally Applied

Even when you purchase the highest quality acrylic grout in Singapore, the application process would not instantly be high quality. That would depend on the skills of the person applying it in the grout tiles.

If you are the one doing it and you have not done it before, expect it to be a disaster. The marble gum grout you would wish for will not happen not unless you let a grout contractor in Singapore do it on your behalf. As a result, you would not have to worry about re-grouting the tiles at your home for a long time.

Use a Strong Sealer to Seal It

As mentioned above, applying a grout sealer protects the grout lines, making them last for a long time. Fret not since you can do it by yourself without relying on anyone.

All you need to do is follow the instructions written on the grout sealer. Most often than not, you would need to apply a grout sealer at least twice a year for optimal result. That is why make sure you only purchase high-quality grouting products.

Regularly Clean and Maintain It

Like most things in life, you would need to clean and maintain the grout lines, so the grouts last for a long time. Of course, to do that, you have to know first what cleaning products you should use.

To find out what it is, ask the grout supplier what to use if you apply either acrylic or epoxy grout to your tiles. Also, try not to follow the DIY cleaning maintenance tips online since they seldom work. So, ask the experts instead on this matter.

See, simply grouting the tiles does not mean the application will go well. You have to do other things, even after your finish grouting the tiles of your home in Singapore. Therefore, do not forget to consider these before you start grouting your floor.


Grouting Products from Grout Pro Tech

When you start paying attention to your tiles and grout lines, you will gain the invaluable benefits that marble gum grout can give. Of course, to make that happen, only purchase quality grouting products from Grout Pro Tech. They are one of the reliable suppliers that offer grouting services in Singapore. Through their expertise, you can expect the grout lines of your tiles at home will last for a long time.

Do not forget that regular cleaning and maintenance are vital practices to make that happen as well. When you do such things, you will not only protect your family, but you will also give them the comfort they truly deserve. That is why only buy quality grouting products to achieve marble gum grout for your tiles at home!

You can learn more about grout and its processes on their website. Contact Grout Pro Tech today if you also have plans of hiring a grouting contractor in Singapore!

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