
  10 Different Occasions that Can Be Celebrated with a Cake


Have you ever been invited to an intimate event before, but you do not know what to bring? If so, you must not have considered getting a cake order online in Singapore before. It is not your fault because no memo got passed around to let you know that every celebration is more fun with cake.

Due to unexpected circumstances, bringing cake to a celebration has become an idea of the past. Not because there are no more cake shops that sell delicious cakes, but because the world is in a health crisis. The Coronavirus prohibited celebrating special events surrounded by many relatives and friends. Today, people can only gather if there are only eight people in a social gathering. It is the ‘new normal’ that several countries, including Singapore, have adopted. However, even with this rule in the way, you can always bond and celebrate with your loved ones on the internet!

Virtual celebrations have existed ever since technology gave life to video calls. With the health crisis, work continued online and so is making virtual parties the way to stay in touch with the people you know and love. If there would be a time when people can be extremely grateful for the power of technology, it is now!

The-Benefits-of-CelebratingThe Benefits of Celebrating

Even virtually, you should always take time to celebrate. Incorporating celebrations as a part of your life is essential to realise how far you have come and how many people love you. It serves as a pause button when you can relax, step back, and enjoy your life.

Here are the benefits you will get when you make celebrations a special part of your life:

It-releases-stress-Instils-a-sense-of-meaning-Create-lasting-memoriesIt releases stress

During this difficult time, there will be a build-up of stress and anxiety because there is no certainty when the world is going back to normal, including your life. To keep looking forward, you should schedule virtual birthday parties with cakes and games! It is time off for you to redirect your energy and emotions to achieve your goals despite the problems you encounter.

Instils a sense of meaning

Every birthday, wedding, or graduation serves a crucial function in people’s lives. Participating in customary rites will help you connect to the significance of the role that an occasion plays within the grand scheme of your life. It will open your eyes and heart to feel appreciation for the gift of life!

Create lasting memories

Would it be fun to tell your children or grandchildren about a time in your life when you did your birthday online? It will be a story that you would never forget and they would be appalled by how you survived a year of only celebrating online. Knowing that you will look back to a moment marked by a celebration encourages you to go further.

With everything going on, motivation is what you would need to equip yourself with the energy to go forward. Motivation could be in any form but for you, it might be a cake to celebrate a significant moment in your life!

10 Different Occasions that Calls for a Cake

Now that you know what a simple virtual celebration can do for you, it would not be a surprise that you would be looking in your calendar schedule to search for the next significant event that calls for cake. Well, if you are having trouble looking through your schedule, you can make one!

Let these different occasions help you know when to get an order for a cake:

Birthday1. Birthday

A birthday celebration is not a birthday celebration when there is no cake. For several decades, birthday cakes have become an essential part of the birthday experience. Even if they are primarily for children, adults have made it part of their dinner or evening party to have one and blow candles for a special birthday wish. It is undeniable that it is something enjoyed by both young and aged people alike.

Of course, not any cake will do for a birthday celebration. You must carefully consider the size, flavour, design, and price of the cake. All of it would depend on the wants of the person celebrating!

2. Anniversary

Did you know about the long-standing tradition of saving the top tier of your wedding cake for partners to eat it again on their first anniversary or their first child’s christening? It is a tradition traced back to Great Britain when they made fruit cakes like wedding cakes. These are easy to preserve; they could live as long as a year or less. It symbolises good luck and prosperity.

However, you should not feel forced to do this, especially for health reasons. While you want your first wedding anniversary to be memorable, you would not want to tell your parents or friends about how you spent your time taking turns for the toilet. There is always an online cake shop in Singaporeto give you an anniversary cake!

3. Valentine’s day

Indeed, gift-giving is an expression of love. Why do not you give your partner a cake to express your love on Heart’s Day or Valentine’s Day? You can never go wrong by giving them a customised cake to celebrate this once-a-year occasion!

What you would want to ensure is that you get the flavour that your partner likes and, of course, you should write a little message before you deliver it to your partner’s home.

4. Mother’s day

Every person is brought to earth by women. You must know the pain every woman had gone through to deliver their babies. One of those babies is you, and your mum has not only endured labour but also faced the challenges that she encountered to get you where you are right now! A good thing is that there is a day when you can show them your appreciation. It is none other than Mother’s day!

Take this chance to express your gratitude to your mum by getting them a cake order! It would warm their heart if you get their favourite cake flavour.

5. Father’s day

If there is a day for mothers, there is a day for fathers as well. While they did not endure the pain of delivering you, they have worked tirelessly, day and night, without complaints to give you a good and comfortable life!

With many cake shops today, some have come up with a theme to make purchasing a cake for men easy. You might want to choose a shop that offers men cakes. There, you will see designs that your father will love.

6. Teacher’s day

Your school teachers are considered as your second parents because you spend most of the week with them. From Monday to Friday, they teach you subjects that you need to learn to survive the world. If you are still a student, you might want to express your gratitude for their utmost patience and compassion. Ask and organise with your classmates about sending them a cake on this special day!

7. Christmas

Are your families Christian? If so, you must celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ every 25th of December. While it is mostly held in Western countries, some people have adopted its culture. Either way, you can make this significant religious celebration to be extra special for you or anyone you know who celebrates it by sending them a cake!

It does not have to be a birthday cake for Jesus, you can get a standard cake to help them have a bountiful celebration.

8. House warming

Whether you have a new neighbour or you are the new neighbour in a residential area, you can never go wrong by getting a cake or serving one. You can make the cake send a positive message to your new neighbours. They would feel welcome if they know that they have neighbours who would celebrate their recent move with a cake. Also, you can order cake so that you can share your bliss with the success of your moving houses!

9. Baby showers

There will come a time when your circle of friends are getting married, buying houses, or having babies. These are joyous occasions and milestones that should always be celebrated with close family and friends. If one of your relatives or friends is having a baby soon, celebrate with them with a cake! You can have a customised one where you can have a unique photo of them printed on the surface, or you can request to have a cake in another shape.

10. Just because

Have you liked eating cake even when you were still a child? You might remember a time in your childhood when your mum comes home with a cake box and you get all excited to taste the creamy, sweet taste of your favourite cake. While these special moments can never be recreated again, you can always have the feeling of tasting a sweet cake from a first bite.

What is good about technology today is that you can conveniently place a cake order online in Singapore to get a lovely cake for yourself on any day that you want. Whether you had a bad day or a great day, you can have a cake. Thus, do not hesitate to order because no reason or occasion is too shallow to reward yourself with a cake!

What-to-Consider-When-Getting-a-CakeWhat to Consider When Getting a Cake?

Before the pandemic, you might have resorted to standard cakes on display in a cake shop because you forgot to look at your calendar to know you should have ordered a cake at an earlier time. Well, now that you have fewer worries about commuting and dealing with problems in your workplace, you have the time to make a deliberate decision when choosing a cake.

If you want to get the perfect cake for yourself or your loved ones, you should consider some factors before you can find or have one custom-made. Here are the factors that you should look into:


How many people would be attending your virtual event? It is a question to ask before you go online to order a cake for your guests. You would not want to fall short or have excess. Also, you would not want to compromise your choice of sweets to cupcakes or cookies because nothing beats celebrating an event with a cake. Thus, ensure first that you get the right size to serve every person in your virtual event!


If you are celebrating the birth of your child, it would be easy to know what to order for a birthday cake online in Singapore. It is easy because you would only have to follow the flavour that they want. However, if your event is going to be attended by several people, you might want to consider their allergies because some cakes have peanuts. What you can do is do a poll so that the majority of your guests will approve of the flavour you will get!

The baker

You might have seen plenty of cake shops online, but you should know that only a few of them can do what you need for a cake. However, your selection of a shop would be a short process because you already know what you want in a cake. When talking to a prospective shop, ensure that you give them a specific design, flavour, and size that you want your cake to be. It would not only help you find a skilled baker, but it would also help them meet your expectations. Hence, you would be satisfied with their service!

Cakes-from-Zee-Elle-for-Your-Special-OccasionsDo You Have a Special Event Coming Up? Celebrate It with a Cake from Zee & Elle!

Even with the boom of technology, many people are still hesitant in buying items online. If you are one of those people, you must know that ordering from an online cake shop in Singapore can give you several benefits.

Zee & Elle is one of the cake shops that you can trust. They have a wide variety of cakes that almost all local bakeries have combined. Their hassle-free ordering process will also save you time and energy. Thus, you would have more preparation time for your virtual events. Lastly, you can send your cake orders from them anywhere in Singapore!

Make every celebration special with cake! If you want to get a customised cake for your special occasion, you should contact them on their website today!

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