
Top Tips on the Proper Maintenance for Your Air Conditioning System Investment


Whether you already have an existing air conditioning system or are still thinking of having one installed, it pays to know what you can do to maximise your investment. It is indeed an investment for your business, and it is worthwhile – especially when you think about how it can boost productivity, offer better safety and protection for your employees and customers, and prolong and lengthen the lifespan of your equipment and office furniture. But as mentioned, you have to make sure your investment is optimised – and this comes with performing the right maintenance on your system. Here, then, are some top tips on the proper maintenance for your air conditioning system investment.

Don’t forget servicing

Servicing is important for any system, but most particularly with air conditioning systems. Servicing should be done every year, and if you have air conditioning in Kent and commercial air condition solutions from Sub-Cool FM, then it would be best to have it serviced around two times a year or more frequently. The same is true if you are in an industrial setting or you use your system continuously. But there are other things you can do for maintenance through the year so you can prolong the life of your system as well.

Clean out the system’s filters

Your air conditioning system’s filters are vital to its optimum performance. That said, make sure to keep them free from grime and dirt by cleaning them out once per month. When the system’s filters are dirty, this can prevent the air from effectively flowing throughout the system, thus preventing your air conditioning unit from working efficiently. And if dirt has already built up, it can fall deep within the unit’s other parts and components and result in even more damage. For instance, the unit’s evaporator coils can incur damage and the level of performance of the unit can rapidly drop.

Filters can be easily found on any unit, and you can remove them with ease. To clean it, you can simply use water or run a hoover on the surface. If you are not certain about how to access it, check the manual. If the filters need replacement, make sure you buy the right filter for the make and model of your unit.

Check for any obstructions


You should also check for any obstructions, particularly on the condensing units outdoors. You should, for example, examine the condensing units to make sure it doesn’t have any debris or foreign objects. If you have any outdoor decorative elements near the unit, make sure it doesn’t block the airflow as well. All your outdoor equipment should also be kept away from the condensing unit to prevent any problems due to the restricted flow of air, like overheating. The same professionals in air conditioning in Kent mentioned above can ensure that your unit is working properly and effectively, as they can do regular servicing and routine maintenance as well.

You should also check the unit’s evaporator coils (located inside) along with its condenser coils (located outside). These coils should be kept clean so you can avoid blockage caused by debris and dirt. Check the unit’s coils every year to see if they are dirt-free, and you should also monitor the aluminium fins on the coils to see if they have retained their shape, as fins can lose their shape over time.

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