
Creating Web Design| Why You Should follow These Standards of Good Website Design


People would prefer to look at something beautifully designed in a short time. If it captured the attention of your audience then it means the design is effective. In this modern time, the usage of websites is very beneficial for a business as it gives them an online presence. The website is the bridge between you and your customers and this is where they know what your business is all about. Of course, creating a good impression will give a subtle impact on how they perceive your overall online marketing strategy.

That’s why to succeed in this competitive business market, you also have to consider why web designing is important. As we shift from physical to digital, the new competition is on the online platform. Website design is how businesses gather their audiences and this is the reason why you must invest in educating yourself about the utilization of website designing.

Now knowing that web design is important, how can you maximize the potential of it as the new online marketing strategy? Certainly, you have to get a professional service from a Website Design Company in Singapore. They will help you understand how you can maximize your online presence in web designing by infusing your personality, functionality, aesthetic and business value.

What are the types of Websites?

In choosing a type of website, you must know what is suitable for your business because each type of website comes with different functionality. You must also decide what type of website that will cater to your needs. Studying and evaluating what is effective for you is very helpful so here is the list of website that you can choose from:

  • Homepages
  • Magazine Websites
  • E-Commerce Websites
  • Blogs
  • Portfolio Websites
  • Landing pages
  • Social Media Websites
  • Directory and Contact Pages

Keep in mind that each website has a corresponding style of designing which is also known as Responsive Web Design, so it’s better if you hire a web designer to guide you with the desired outcome you want for your website.

After discussing with you the importance of design, let’s move on with the utility and usability of your website. What are the principles you must integrate with your website?

Standards of Good Web Design

To know the standards of a good web design, you must first know how the users think. First users don’t read, they just scan. Usually, online users look for instant gratification so make sure that your website is easy to navigate and users want to have control whenever they want to click the “back” button.

Conventional style is more effective

Conventional elements in a website don’t mean it’s boring and it does promote a friendly-user experience because they don’t have to learn how your website works. For example, a user has to know where to click “About Us” right away so you don’t need to create a unique visual presentation to make them stay. With conventional Style, you make it easier for users to look for search placement, site navigation or other objectives.

It’s okay to have a “White Space”

White spaces help reduce cognitive load. Users only recognize digestible pieces of ideas in a short space of time. Therefore, don’t make a crowded website with too much information and extravagant designs. Complicated designs are harder to understand, to read and to navigate. That’s why create more free spaces and use the hierarchical technique when presenting words in your website because it reduces the complexity of the structure.


Keep it simple

A good website design keeps it simple to give options of choices and to avoid overcrowding it with unnecessary information. From the users’ perspective, they visited your website because they want to get the information so avoid placing advertisements and indecipherable text. Remember to make your web design easy to navigate to make users find information easier.

Be straightforward with effective writing

In a web design, the writing style is adjusted to easily gather the attention of your visitors. This is incorporated by using short and concise phrases, scannable layout and plain languages. You should also remember to avoid flowery languages, exaggerated statements and long texts. Website designing must also know how to talk business to engage the users.

Manage to keep the user’s attention

In website designing, designers should consider using images and keywords to manage the attention of the users. The less they think, the more they will navigate the website. Highlight important keywords that will entice them to continue exploring your website. For example, the word “FREE” can attract users to know more about a product or service so make sure that it is subtly featured.

Don’t drain the user’s patience

Whenever users visit your website, minimize the requirements to fill because it will discourage users to continue. Let users explore your website without getting their data because it will make them feel unsafe. In short, don’t put many requirements for the users in the first place. Allow them to freely explore your website and let them show testimonials or portfolio before signing-up.

Don’t let users think

Web designers should demolish question marks in a user’s head when he/she visited your website. Websites should be self-explanatory and straightforward. Don’t put cryptic messages because it will create more questions and in result user’s will be discouraged to explore more on your website. Focusing too much on the design is not effective, make sure that the users can grasp the idea and answer all their questions when they visit the site.

Collaborate with Web Designers

Yes, beautiful websites will indeed attract more visitors but good web design standards will make them stay. With Efusion, they will support your business with the knowledge of digital marketing and web designing. Visit their website at

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