
The eBay Earning: A Modest Options


In eBay the support team of the hosts can also help a lot; they will be able to indicate the plan that best suits the needs of your site if you inform which platform you are using for online sales. Making sure that the consumer will not see any errors on the website is critical. This guarantees the reliability and sense of security when purchasing.

In addition, it prevents the customer from giving up making the purchase and looking for another option. Final value fees are calculated by eBay after various considerations. Firstly, the amount buyer pays for the item includes the sold price of the item, shipping charges if any, and handling charges. The category of the item sold is also a big factor to be considered. The Ebay fee calculator is perfect for the proper calculator.

General Facilities

When everything is decided and planned, you will need to set up the website itself. It is interesting to take into account your company’s visual identity for this. Also, don’t forget to incorporate mental triggers and use color psychology.

In addition to the visual, it is important to make sure that the technical part is up to date. It will be necessary to register all the products offered, in addition to installing plugins that allow different forms of payment. Remember: the more convenient the process is for your consumer, the more you will sell.

It is also important to think of plugins that allow reviews of the store and products. Other users’ ratings provide reliability and credibility to the store. This can be done through testimonials, star ratings and other types of punctuation.

Create a Friendly Website

The technical part of your online store is ready! Congratulations! Now, it’s time to ensure that the shopping experience will be as pleasant as possible for your consumer. It is very important that the store is accessible, easy to use, simple and intuitive. And, of course, she must use visual communication to reinforce her brand and speak directly to her persona.

When we speak of a “friendly” website, we are borrowing that expression from English “user friendly”. In other words: the layout is intuitive and no specific instructions are required for the customer to use it. Even the most lay shopper should be able to make a purchase quickly.

Here are some important things for the user experience:

  • The site navigation must be clear and accessible.
  • Provide visible links to FAQs, shipping and payment information and store security policies.
  • The process of adding an item to the cart should not need more than one click.
  • It should be possible to finalize the purchase in a practical and quick manner, filling out as few forms as possible.
  • You must provide photos and detailed information about all products, including weight, size, color, material and other relevant points.
  • The product search system in your store must be easy to use and dynamic.
  • Promotions and advantages must always be highlighted.

If possible, offer an instant online customer service to answer questions, such as chat-bots directly on the website. Visual communication is one of your most powerful marketing tools! Be sure to make the most of this feature. The look of your website should “speak” directly to your persona. To do this, you need to understand well who you are selling to.

This communication must be present in every detail: in the colors, in the choice of typography, in the way of speaking, in the images even in the way you present your products. The more detailed the persona you create for your company, the easier it is to direct this process.

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