
Popular Interior Designs in Singapore You Should Try Soon


Found yourself sighing or yawning while looking at the featured interior designs on home improvement magazines or reality TV shows? They seem to spotlight the same “minimalist” or “streamlined” interior designs which are not really surprising. Singapore homes nowadays are promoting small space living to accommodate the growing population. Small space living seems to also go well with our lifestyles. However, some people might find the minimalist design a bit boring and dull. If you are one of those people, this article is for you. Here, we listed some of the styles you can adopt for your home interior that will not look to bear and can even turn out lively.

Going Against the Trend

The current trend for home and landed property renovations in Singapore is minimalism. Many interior designers are adding a sense of minimalism to their work. Thus, the re-emergence of Scandinavian and Contemporary interior designs. While the rationale behind this is quite logical, people have this need for aesthetics. People want to see many elements blending harmoniously in a given space. This is the reason why there are emerging movements that contradicts the idea of simplicity.

Those movements also make sense. Since the start of the pandemic, we are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible. While living in a sleek and spacious home can be pretty convenient when our times are divided between office hours and home time, most of us are now working from home. Our eyes that are used to see so many things inside the office may find our home to be too empty and this can hinder our creativity and productivity. Here are some of the benefits of having eclectic interior design at home.

  • Can boost creativity and imagination
  • Can fill up the spaces
  • Can make our home feel warm and cosy
  • Can house various elements and things with sentimental value
  • Can add colour and light to our interiors

Want to try a livelier and novelty design for your home interior soon? Here are the three most popular interior designs that promote diversity and can add life to your home.

Muji Interior design

Muji started out as a well-loved brand of furniture in Singapore. The unique selling point of this brand is the unique light-toned woodgrain which imbibes natural beauty while making the interior look lighter. While quite similar to the Scandinavian style for furniture and interior design, the Muji brand is different. It has this distinctive appeal that separates it from the minimalist look of Scandinavian style.

In terms of home interior, Muji interior design is born in Singapore as a testament to the brand’s popularity. It became a trend for designers to use Muji furniture pieces in homes and landed property interior designs, creating an entirely unique style.

Muji interior design often blends the light wood colour to other tones to make a harmonious design. The woodgrain accents perfectly add cosiness to the interior while the other colours, which are relatively lesser than the woodgrain put a break and variety to the design. Like most Japanese homes, Muji interior design has this touch of nature and simplicity, yet doesn’t look bear at all.


Eclectic Interior Design

The word eclectic means “a design formed by combining several elements”. As hard as it is to imagine a kitchen interior design with “too many elements being placed together”, the eclectic design actually works, especially with the help of a good interior designer.

An eclectic interior design is evident in most Asian homes even since a long time ago. For instance, Indian royalties as well as Egyptians and Arabs are known to decorate their bedrooms with many colourful and decorative pillows and cushions for aesthetic purposes. Even in the imperial times in China and South Korea, you can observe a lot of elements mixed together in the rooms of royal palaces. These are all examples of eclectic interior design.

Another good thing about eclectic interior design is that it lets you display all the things and decorations that have sentimental value for you. With a good interior designer, all those things can be combined into a harmonious and creativity-inducing environment.


Modern Luxury Interior Design

Modern luxury interior design is another novelty design for homes in Singapore. The good thing about this design is that it resembles the old-style “grand mansions” or even “classic castles” but the elements are streamlined to fit small space living. Luxurious and sophisticated materials such as silk, beaded draperies, fur, and marbles are highly evident in this interior design. The use of black, white and gold are also very prominent.

While luxury is very important in a modern luxury interior design, the other principle which is modern also plays a good part. Trimming down the grand and intricate designs of luxury style to suit the modern lifestyle, is the heart of this interior design. This makes modern luxury interior design a favourite among celebrities and other homeowners.

In Conclusion

You don’t always have to follow the trend when it comes to home interior design. The important thing about designing your home is that it must tell something about you. After all, your home is your safe place. Hence, go for a design that makes you feel at home!

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