
Georgia Lawyer Anthony O Van Johnson Opens Up About His Wanderlust And The Places He Like Visit Most In Georgia


Anthony O Van Johnson‘s reputation as one of the foremost personal injury and family lawyers in Georgia is well established. It is to Johnson’s credit that in a relatively short career (a multi-talented individual, Johnson had worked as a professional musician and a nuclear scientist before eventually choosing the legal profession as his real vocation), he has already been successful in establishing himself as a highly competent lawyer with an enviable success rate. 

All this is well-known among the Georgia lawyer community. However, what is not so well-known is the fact that Van Johnson also happens to be an intrepid traveler and that he has visited many of the most famous natural landmarks all across the State of Georgia and a good many of them, multiple times! This is bound to come as a surprise to anybody familiar with the extremely busy schedule that lawyer Johnson has. 

However, Johnson revealed in a recent interview that he loves visiting beautiful places of nature since it fills him with a sense of calm and serenity and helps him stay grounded. This is not surprising coming from a man who cares enough for the plight of the common man. In fact, that is the very reason that Van Johnson chose to be a personal injury and family lawyer. Otherwise, with the kind of competence he has, Johnson could easily have chosen the much more lucrative careers of a corporate or criminal lawyer. 

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The interviewer was of course intrigued by Johnson’s admission of his wanderlust and his love for nature and asked what places in Georgia the lawyer likes visiting most. Evidently, this was a subject dear to the lawyer since he spoke in length about all the natural landmarks of Georgia that he has visited already. He also discussed the ones he likes best and why. 

To begin with, Johnson admitted that he has a particular fondness for the famous swamps of Georgia—in particular, the Okefenokee Swamp in Waycross and the Radium Springs in Albany. The lawyer maintained that if one wants to discover the stunning beauty of the swamps, they must come to Georgia. When asked if he went kayaking through the waters, Johnson was quick to reply that there is little point in visiting the Georgia swamps if you don’t go right into the midst of them in a kayak. He explained that it is an altogether other-worldly experience being in the Okefenokee with the cypress trees along with their Spanish moss standing all around you like dark sentries from a fairytale world. Similarly, at Radium Springs, Johnson added, the natural turquoise haze of the waters feels nothing less than surreal. 

However, as much as he likes the swamps (partly also because they are a Georgia specialty), Johnson claimed that the places he likes to visit most in the state include Brasstown Bald Mountains (in the Chattahoochee National Forest), the Jekyll Island Forest, and the Stone Mountain in Atlanta. He said that these are the places which he feels best to reveal the profound beauty and serenity of nature. When asked how he feels about the Warm Springs, Johnson however admitted that that is one place in Georgia he has yet to pay a visit to. He added that he eagerly awaits the visit since he has heard so much about the wondrous natural splendor of the town. 

Finally, he was asked to make his picks among the many gorgeous fall and canyon sites of Georgia. Anthony O. Van Johnson named Tallulah Gorge, Providence Canyon, Cloudland Canyon, and Amicalola Falls among his perennial favorites. Further pressed to choose the one he likes best, Johnson’s pick was Providence. He explained that he really enjoys the diversity of the landscape with all its forests, springs, swamps, waterfalls, and, of course, the canyons themselves with their incredibly fascinating colorful rock formations.

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