
Carpet Cleaning | Should You Get a Professional One?


Your carpet is not like the one in the Disney movie Aladdin. It does not fly nor stand on its own, but what your carpet can do is cover your floor to make your home more appealing. It also prevents you from falling and slipping on the floor whenever you walk, run or jump. However, the more your carpet experiences foot traffic, the more it gets dirty. How does it happen when you always clean your carpet with a vacuum cleaner? Well, you see, vacuuming your carpet only cleans its surface—not deep within the fabric. It means that it’s filled with dead skin cells, insert faeces, bacteria, and fungi, and these microscopic particles could harm your health as well as your surrounding. So, what should you do to prevent this from happening? The answer is to call a professional carpet cleaning expert in Singapore. They would help you resolve this problem in an instant! If you are unsure when you should seek one, let this article give you a hand. 

Here are some signs it is time for you to call for a carpet cleaning expert.

  • Showing Discolouration

It is a process, whereas your carpet loses the vibrant colour it initially has. It happens when your carpet has already accumulated so much dust that the surface starts to look greyer each day. So, when you notice your carpet begin to lose its shade, let a carpet cleaning expert in Singapore help you bring back to its glory!

  • Stubborn Stains

Wine, coffee, and tea, these are some of the liquids you might be spilling over on your carpet. When that happens, all you need to do is get a cloth and let it absorb its extra moisture. While as for its stain, let a professional do it for you. That way, you would not have to worry about smearing it all over the fabric—worse damaging your carpet. 

  • Lingering Foul Smell

Does your living room smell musty the moment you enter the room? If this is the case, your carpet might be the one at fault. You see, a rug would smell unpleasant for a lot of reasons, but if you were to sum it all down, you would get moisture. The moment you leave it all wet after you spill something, moulds and mildews would eventually develop.—causing your carpet to linger a foul smell.

  • Lots of Dander Everywhere

You will only notice this when you have pets at home. You see, dander is like dead skin cells of humans, but this one is for furry animals, such as dogs, cats, hamsters, etc. Losing furs are natural, but having this too much around is not great for your health, it can cause you to have respiratory problems sneezing, runny nose, chest tightness, etc. When that happens, you might not be able to get throughout the day without sneezing. 

  • Before or After Holidays

As the seasonal glow approaches, you have to prepare your home for the upcoming gathering with your family and friends. Aside from knowing what dishes you should cook, you would also need to do some cleaning. However, cleaning your entire home by yourself can be extremely stressful and exhausting. So, to not let that happen, let a carpet cleaning expert in Singapore take away that hurdle.

Are any of these currently happening to you and your carpet? If yes, you might as well consider calling a carpet cleaning expert in Singapore today! Keep reading to learn how to choose one that suits your needs.

How to Choose Carpet Cleaning Provider

  • Years of Experience

When looking for a carpet cleaning provider, you should not hire anyone. You would need to consider their years of experience for you to make sure they could handle and clean your carpet with care. You see, the longer they have been in the industry, the better. It means they know what they are doing and which method is more efficient to use. 

  • License to Clean Carpets

This one is similar to the reason why you would need a license when you drive a car on the road. Having this card guarantees a person’s reliability and their ability to perform their task. So, when you are looking for a carpet cleaning provider in Singapore, ask them if they are authorized to clean by NEA. NEA is a short term for the National Environment Agency. It is a statutory board under the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment. So, if your candidate has this one, then you can guarantee their service.

  • Carpet Cleaning Method

Similar to washing clothes, there are many ways to clean a carpet. Each method has a different outcome. So, before you hire a carpet cleaner, be sure to find out what approach they could use.

  • Environmental Impact

This factor has something to do with what cleaning products they use to clean your carpet. You see, not all cleaning products are safe for the environment. Others could pollute the air and water. So, to make sure that would not happen when you bring over your carpet to the cleaner, ask them if what they use is eco-friendly. If they said yes and they are using biodegradable products, then you are in good hands.

However, if you are in a hurry and your carpet needs professional care, contact The Laundry Club! Their carpet cleaning method in Singapore can help you get rid of any stains in no time!

Visit their website today and learn more about how you can avail their carpet laundry delivery service.

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