
A Few Tech Skills That Every Professional Should Know


Do you have a variety of tech devices in your home? Unless you live entirely off the grid you probably have at least one or two in your home as well as a collection of smart devices if your industry is more technologically advanced. It is expected of just about anyone in our modern age to embrace technology and be handy with technology no matter their age or industry.

It makes no difference if you are a recruiter for a larger tech company or a quality control inspector, having a good handle on technology is an absolute must. This will improve your life and your work in a number of ways as you begin to improve your professional processes.


SEO is the essential set of rules and organisational techniques that allow some websites to take priority over others in the search engine results pages or SERPs. This includes a wide array of skills including link building, keywords, on and off-page optimisation and much more.

If your company has an online presence and there is little doubt that it does, a working knowledge of SEO will help keep a valuable aspect of their company up and running. This skill can be applied in a wide range of digital marketing situations from social media marketing to website promotion, and may even get you featured in the inspire business award for your outstanding tech and business skills.

Having SEO skills will make you an important asset to any company if you will be looking for a new job or career change. You also don’t necessarily have to be an expert in this broad and extensive subject, even just knowing your way around the tasks and objectives of SEO is enough to take you far.

Project Management

Project and production management can be a professional career in itself, but far more people end up in this field through experience rather than university training. Projects managers apply their skills of resource allocation and organisation to bring a team to a final goal. Projects could be anything from the launch of a service to development of a product.

But, it is important to consider supplementing this career with professional education and training. Many people do reach a high level of experience and even important positions in this field but are then stunted at the managerial levels. This is because the best positions for product managers all require a degree in management.

Therefore, having a degree in this field will automatically improve your chances for a good position as a project manager. It will also be good to learn the brass tacks of this important science and improve your organisational skills. No matter the company or the industry, product management is a central part of their work in some way or another. Hence, it is also a good way to boost your versatility in a professional regard.

If you are looking for training and certification, you should consider taking a course in coding boot camp. There is a terrific option available at Product School. This 8-week course on product management can help you achieve certification quickly.

Social Media

For better or worse, technology has taken over just about every aspect of human civilisation. One of the most prominent results of this is that life and relations are all held online and across digital networks. This is why a social media presence has become so important to just about everyone. Social media facilitates many important online interactions. It is important for staying connected to professional, social and personal contacts.

Furthermore, social media and profiles is a good way to check into the backgrounds of candidates a business may be considering for a specific position. Social media is not hard to learn at all and small kids are becoming quite proficient in this social skill simply by following the directions. Here again, you don’t have to be an expert, but knowing how to perform all the important functions is an important professional skill.

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